- Daraghmeh N, Exter K, Pagnier J, Balazy P, Cancio I et al. (2025) A long-term ecological research data set from the marine genetic monitoring program ARMS-MBON 2018–2020. Molecular Ecology Resources
- Sokołowski A, Caban M, Panasiuk A, Włodarska-Kowalczuk M, Balazy P (2024) Low pharmaceutical pollution of epibenthic organisms from Admiralty Bay, Antarctica (King George Island, South Shetland Islands) Science of The Total Environment 956: 177277
- Ronowicz M, Balazy P, Chełchowski M, Kuklinski P, Patuła W, Sowa A, Søreide JE, Weydmann-Zwolicka A (2024) Factors shaping pelagic-benthic coupling in the process of settlement in an Arctic fjord. Scientific Reports 14: 23688
- Cecchetto M, Dettai A, Gallut C, Obst M, Kuklinski P, Balazy P, Chelchowski M, Małachowicz M, Poćwierz-Kotus A, Zbawicka M, Reiss H, Eléaume MP, Ficetola GF, Pavloudi C, Exter K, Fontaneto D, Schiaparelli S (2024) Seasonality of primary production explains the richness of pioneering benthic communities. Nature Communications 15: 8340
- Balazy K, Balazy P (2024) Climate-driven diatom aggregations pose a risk to long-lived Antarctic filter feeders. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 22: e2742
- Moreno B, Sowa A, Reginia K, Balazy P, Chelchowski M, Ronowicz M, Kuklinski P (2024) Sea water temperature and light intensity at high-Arctic subtidal shallows – 16 years perspective. Scientific Data 11: 227
- Sokołowski A, Mordec M, Caban M, Øverjordet IB, Wielogórska E, Włodarska-Kowalczuk M, Balazy P, Chełchowski M, Lepoint G (2024) Bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals and stimulants in macrobenthic food web in the European Arctic as determined using stable isotope approach. Science of the Total Environment 909: 168557
- Cichecka A, Saniewska D, Balazy P, Saniewski M (2024) Sources and pathways of mercury in soils from Antarctic periglacial areas. Catena 234: 107592
- Saniewski M, Balazy P, Klajman K, Saniewska D (2023) Distribution of 137Cs in the marine environment from King George Island (Southern Shetlands, maritime Antarctica). Marine Pollution Bulletin 197: 115752
- Saniewski M, Wietrzyk-Pełka P, Węgrzyn MH, Balazy P, Saniewska D, Klajman K (2023) Assessing the present levels of 137Cs in the remote ecosystem of Bjornoya (South Svalbard). Marine Pollution Bulletin 197: 115736
- Jarzynowska M, Saniewska D, Fudala K, Wilman B, Balazy P, Płońska P, Saniewski M (2023) Mercury and methylmercury in birds and marine mammals inhabiting the coastal zone of the two King George Island's bays: Admiralty and King George Bay (maritime Antarctic). Marine Pollution Bulletin 193: 115237
- Sowa A, Kuklinski P, Weydmann-Zwolicka A, Balazy P, Chelchowski M, Soreide JE, Ronowicz M (2023) Factors shaping epibionts recruitment in the high Arctic (Isfjorden, Spitsbergen): A year-round investigation using experimental plates. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 283: 108281
- Saniewski M, Wietrzyk-Pełka P, Węgrzyn MH, Saniewska D, Balazy P, Zalewska T (2023) Distribution of 90Sr and 137Cs in biotic and abiotic elements of the coastal zone of the King George Island (South Shetland Archipelago, Antarctic Peninsula). Chemosphere 332: 138218
- Nadolna-Ałtyn K, Pękala-Safińska A, Balazy P, Siedlewicz G, Paździor E, Pawlak J, Psuty I (2023) Microbiological studies of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) from the Puck Bay, southern Baltic Sea. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 26: 151-154
- Romero-Ramirez A, Morales Luna Hadrys L, Kuklinski P, Chelchowski M, Balazy P (2023) Image analysis and benthic ecology: Proceedings to analyze in situ long-term image series. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 21: 169-177
- Sokołowski A, Balazy P, Jankowska E (2022) Benthic habitats of the Puck Bay. In: Bolałek J, Burska (Eds): Puck Bay - Volume III - Puck Bay - Aspects of the living world [in Polish]. Gdańsk University: 126-144
- Makowska-Zawierucha N, Mokracka J, Małecka M, Balazy P, Chełchowski M, Ignatiuk D, Zawierucha K (2022) Quantification of class 1 integrons and characterization of the associated gene cassettes in the high Arctic – Interplay of humans and glaciers in shaping the aquatic resistome. Ecological Indicators 145: 109633
- Balazy P, Kontny B, Różycki J, Saniewski M, Puczko D, Pydyn A (2022) Scientific Diving in Poland and Invitation to the Polish Committee on Scientific Diving. Polish Hyperbaric Research 76: 77 - 83 (backdated by the journal)
- Chelchowski M, Balazy P, Kuklinski P (2022) Seasonal variability in macrobenthos assemblage parameters in the highly disturbed Antarctic intertidal zone – Relatively rich biodiversity year around. Estuarine, Coastal ans Shelf Science 278: 108114
- Korejwo E, Saniewska D, Bełdowski J, Balazy P, Saniewski M (2022) Mercury concentration and speciation in benthic organisms from Isfjorden, Svalbard. Marine Pollution Bulletin 184: 114115
- Moreau C, Le Bourg B, Balazy P, Danis B, Eléaume M, Jossart Q, Kuklinski P, Lepoint G, Saucède T, Van de Putte A, Michel LN (2022) Trophic markers and biometric measurements in Southern Ocean sea stars (1985-2017). Ecology: e3611e3611e3611e3611
- Kuklinski P, Balazy P, Porter J, Loxton J, Ronowicz M, Sokołowski A (2022) Experimental apparatus for investigating colonization, succession and related processes of rocky bottom epifauna. Continental Shelf Research 233: 104641
- Chełchowski M, Balazy P, Grzelak K, Grzelak Ł, Kędra M, Legeżyńska J, Kuklinski P (2021) Vertical zonation of benthic invertebrates in the intertidal zone of Antarctica (Admiralty Bay, King George Island). Antarctic Science 34: 29 - 44
- Le Bourg B, Kuklinski P, Balazy P, Lepoint G, Michel L (2021) Interactive effects of body size and environmental gradient on the trophic ecology of sea stars in an Antarctic fjord. Marine Ecology Progress Series 674: 189–202
- Ronowicz M, Balazy P, Chełchowski M, Deja K, Grzelak K, Kędra M, Kotwicki L, Kwaśniewski S, Legeżyńska J, Smoła Z, Wiktor J, Włodarska-Kowalczuk M, Kukliński P (2021) Information resources on the marine diversity of Eukaryota in the scientific collections of the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences [in Polish]. Kosmos 70: 183-196
- Balazy P (2021) Polar night diving – lessons learned from the past four seasons. FOG special volume: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Scientific Diving 2021: 106-110
- Balazy P, Anderson MJ, Chelchowski M, Włodarska-Kowalczuk M, Kuklinski P, Berge J (2021) Shallow-water scavengers of polar night and day – an Arctic time-lapse photography study. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 656772
- Sokołowski A, Jankowska E, Balazy P, Jędruch A (2021) Distribution and extent of benthic habitats in Puck Bay (Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea). Oceanologia 63: 301-320
- Weydmann-Zwolicka A, Balazy P, Kuklinski P, Søreide JE, Patuła W, Ronowicz M (2021) Meroplankton seasonal dynamics in the high Arctic fjord: comparison of different sampling methods. Progress in Oceanography 190: 102484
- Balazy P, Kuklinski P (2019) Year-to-year variability of epifaunal assemblages on a mobile hard substrate - case study from high latitudes. Marine Ecology 39: e12533
- Balazy P, Kuklinski P, Berge J (2018) Diver deployed autonomous time-lapse camera systems for ecological studies. Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology 17: 137-142
- Kuklinski P, Balazy P, Krzemińska M, Bielecka L (2017) Species pool structure explains patterns of Antarctic rock-encrusting organism recruitment. Polar Biolology 40: 2457-2487
- Ostaszewska K, Balazy P, Berge J, Johnsen G, Staven R (2017) Seabirds During Arctic Polar Night: Underwater Observations from Svalbard Archipelago, Norway. Waterbirds 40: 302-308
- Zmudczyńska-Skarbek K, Balazy P (2017) Following the flow of ornithogenic nutrients through the Arctic marine coastal food webs. Journal of Marine Systems 168: 31-37
- Sokołowski A, Ziółkowska M, Balazy P, Kuklinski P, Plichta I, (2017) Seasonal and multi-annual patterns of colonisation and growth of sessile benthic fauna on artificial substrates in the brackish low-diversity system of the Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia 790: 183-200
- Sokołowski A, Ziółkowska M, Balazy P, Plichta I, Kuklinski P, Mudrak-Cegiołka S (2017) Recruitment pattern of benthic fauna on artificial substrates in brackish low-diversity system (the Baltic Sea). Hydrobiologia 784: 125-141
- Deja K, Węsławski JM, Borszcz T, Włodarska-Kowalczuk M, Kukliński P, Balazy P, Kwiatkowska P (2016) Recent distribution of Echinodermata species in Spitsbergen coastal waters. Polish Polar Research 37: 511-526
- Borszcz T, Balazy P (2016) Direct evidence of sea anemone predation on Arctic echinoids. Marine Biodiversity 46, 13-14
- Berge J, Daase M, Renaud PE, Ambrose WG, Darnis G, Last KS, Leu E, Cohen JH, Johnsen G, Moline MA, Cottier F, Varpe O, Shunatova N, Balazy P, Morata N, Massabuau J-C, Falk-Petersen S, Kosobokova K, Hoppe CJM, Węsławski JM, Kukliński P, Legeżyńska L, Nikishina D, Cusa M, Kędra M, Włodarska-Kowalczuk M, Vogedes D, Camus L, Tran D, Michaud E, Gabrielsen TM, Granovitch A, Gonchar A, Krapp R, Callesen TA (2015) Unexpected Levels of Biological Activity during the Polar Night Offer New Perspectives on a Warming Arctic. Current Biology 25: 2555–2561
- Zmudczynska-Skarbek K, Balazy P, Kuklinski P (2015) An assessment of seabird influence on Arctic coastal benthic communities. Journal of Marine Systems 144: 48-56
- Balazy P, Kuklinski P, Włodarska-Kowalczuk M, Barnes DKA, Kędra M, Legeżyńska J, Węsławski JM (2015) Hermit crabs (Pagurus spp.) at their northernmost range: distribution, abundance and shell use in the European Arctic. Polar Research 34: 21412
- Majewska R, Kuklinski P, Balazy P, Yokoya NS, Paternostro Martins A, Monteiro Absher T, De Stefano M (2015) A comparison of epiphytic diatom communities on Plocamium cartilagineum (Plocamiales, Plocamiaceae) from two Antarctic areas. Polar Biology 38: 198-205
- Balazy P, Kuklinski P, Włodarska-Kowalczuk M (2014) Scientific diving in polar regions - the example of ecological studies at the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Polish Hyperbaric Research 46: 65-84
- Kuklinski P, Balazy P, Nowak M, Bielecka L (2014) Factors controlling initial development of Polar bryozoan assemblages. Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., 94 (2014): 145-151. In: Rosso A, Wyse Jackson PN, Porter J (Eds): Bryozoan studies 2013. Museo delle Scienze, Trento.
- Włodarska-Kowalczuk M, Jankowska E, Kotwicki L, Balazy P (2014) Evidence of Season-Dependency in Vegetation Effects on Macrofauna in Temperate Seagrass Meadows (Baltic Sea). PLOS ONE 9, e100788
- Włodarska-Kowalczuk M, Balazy P, Wiktor J, Kobos J, Zajączkowski M, Moskal W (2014) Large red cyanobacterial mats (Spirulina subsalsa Oersted ex Gomont) in shallow sublittoral of the Southern Baltic. Oceanologia 56: 661-663
- Sapota MR, Balazy P, Mirny Z (2014) Modification in the nest guarding strategy — one of the reasons of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) invasion success in the Gulf of Gdańsk? Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 43, 21-28
- Balazy P, Kuklinski P, Sanamyan N (2014) Hyas spp. crabs and sea anemones – new species associations from Svalbard. Marine Biodiversity 44: 161-162
- Borszcz T, Balazy P, Kuklinski P (2014) Covering behaviour of echinoids in the high Arctic fjord. Marine Biodiversity 44: 159-160
- Kuklinski P, Balazy P (2014) Scale of temperature variability in the Maritime Antarctic intertidal zone. Journal of Sea Research 85: 542–546
- Trudnowska E, Balazy P (2013) Polar marine ecosystems in the light of novel research methods [in Polish]. Kosmos 62: 419-426
- Balazy P, Kuklinski P (2013) Mobile hard substrata – An additional biodiversity source in a high latitude shallow subtidal system. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 119: 153–161
- Kuklinski P, Sokolowski A, Ziolkowska M, Balazy P, Novosel M, Barnes DKA (2013) Growth ratio of selected sheet-like bryozoan colonies along latitudinal transect. In: Ernst A, Schäfer P, Scholz J (Eds): Bryozoan studies 2010 (Vol. 143 of the series Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences): 155-167. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.